Time Vs Direction
Time Vs Direction
What one believes one lacks is Time, what one lacks is a direction
Time is Uncontrollable, hence can’t be altered at one’s Will, Direction is controllable, and thus can be Veered.
A change of Time may or may not lead to a change in Direction, Change in Direction surely changes one’s time.
Why do people always feel the Paucity of Time?
There are small tasks and engaging tasks. Small tasks take shorter periods, whilst engaging tasks need concentration.
Gratification after doing a short and engaging task is the same. People prefer short tasks as the attention needed on them is less and satisfaction and shortening of the list are the same.
Engaging tasks remain pending and piling, although they are important and create a meaningful impact.
How does time get wasted? What can one do about it?
What one plans for the day, Seldom day moves as per plan. some events get dropped or delayed.
Execute Planned events — small tasks in unplanned time.
Social media is addictive, it curbs thinking and forces consumption. One should throw oneself into it when one has a forthcoming specific listed essential task. Specificity of task cuts short the time spent on social media.
Re-assess how time is spent.
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