The Challenge of Choices
How does one decide when faced with a dilemma?
How can one pursue the path pre-determined by the Universe?
Who is a True Leader?
Pursuing Shrestha Dharma is the answer.
This begs the question what is Shrestha Dharma?
Shrestha is a Sanskrit word and no English word can define it completely. The closest words that can define Shrestha are Noble, Great, ultimate, foremost, perfect.
Thus Shrestha Dharma means one performing the highest level of duty as governed by Universal laws.
Delving a little deeper :
Shrestha Dharma has two components
1. Acharan — Excellent behavior
2. Praman — Standard — Higher standards
Every person has two basic Dharmas -
1. Praja Dharma — Citizen Dharma
2. Vyakti Dharma — Individual Dharma
Those who discharge these Dharmas well become Shrestha Dharma Vahaks (Pursuers or Propagators or Ambassadors of Practicing Universal Laws for Human well-being). The ones who deliver more, perform better with regards to Dharma (obligation, responsibility, and accountability) are expected to do more as compared to an average citizen or human being.
Furthermore, One has to perform Raj Dharma (Duties towards the society), then Rashtra Dharma (Duties towards the Nation), then Antarrashtriya Dharma (Duties towards the Global community & planet).
An example of Antarrashtriya (Global) Dharma is Control over carbon emissions to control climate change.
Great people from the earliest civilizations were known for their performance and discharge of acts and duties across all walks of life. Thus they were anointed Munni Shrestha, Guru Shrestha, Acharya Shrestha, or in the case of Kings — Chakravartin Shrestha.
Shrestha Vaishya our Shrestha Vyapaari (Greatest Businessman) is the one who didn’t only focus on business and profits but employment and well-being of community, society, people, built temples / Mandir: mana — Inner self + dir — a place (places where one can be one with almighty), donated money for good causes, contributed to strengthening Sangathans (society, community, clan), etc.
Nara Shrestha means the person who discharges all his Dharma well. Best amongst humans.
Shrestha Desh means the country that leads other nations and shows them the path forward as Germany has been doing for the EU for many many years. India and Indian showed the path to the rest of the world from the beginning of humanity till about the 12th century AD and will again lead the way, be the Pathfinder in the 21st Century.
Shrestha is always in relation to Purushartha — which has 4 parts — Kama, Artha, Moksha, and Dharma.
Dharma is compared to a bull that has 4 legs. Satya, Daya, Shaucha & Tapasya. Austerity, cleanliness, truthfulness, and kindness.
Shreshta should be in Shreshtra in Gunas as well. One should have Sattogun as his or her prevalent Guna and should have more of Devaik Rajas.
Sometimes when challenges occur, then one needs to take lead to re-establish Dharma (Dharma Sansthapana), or if the places where people, peers, friends are not following Dharma and harming Dharma, then one should take lead in Protecting Dharma (Dharma Raksha).
Dharmo rakshati rakshitah — धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः (If one protects Dharma, then Dharma protects oneself)
For being Nara Shreshtra, One needs to be a role model and has to be both spiritual and logical. To achieve this one needs to have all 3 kinds of Power (Shaktis) Kriya, Gyan, and Iccha Shakti.
A Nara Shreshtra becomes a good worker and at times performs the duty of a good leader or vice versa. His/her mind and passion are focused not on praise, designation, or even outcome, for him or her what matters is Nishkama Karma — (Selfless Service).
Quote from Bhagawad Gita — Chapter 3, Shlok 21
yad yad ācarati śreṣṭhas
tat tad evetaro janaḥ
sa yat pramāṇaḿ kurute
lokas tad anuvartate
यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जन: ।
स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते ॥
हिन्दी भावार्थ:
श्रेष्ठ पुरुष जो आचरण, जो काम करते हैं,
दूसरे मनुष्य भी वैसा ही आचरण करते हैं।
श्रेष्ठ पुरुष जो प्रमाण या उदाहरण प्रस्तुत करता है
समस्त मानव-समुदाय उसी का अनुसरण करने लग जाते हैं।
English Translation:
Whatever actions great persons perform, common people follow.
Whatever standards they set, all the world pursues.
Gratitude to our Guru Dharm Pracharak, Bheeshma Pitamah awardee Padma Bhushan, Dr. Mrityunjay Athreya, and my fellow Advisory board members at Sarthak Educational trust for having this Satsang where knowledge could be imparted by our Guru.
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