Pain, Agony, or Tormented — Correct the course of Energy Flow

Siddhartha Rastogi
9 min readJan 21, 2023


Why excruciating pain occurs suddenly and then disappear even faster at certain points in the body?

How do people develop deadly diseases like Cancer, Ulcers or blockages?

What causes ailments — Food, environment or thoughts?

The tale of thorns

Many centuries back there lived a king, who loved two things — his wife (the queen) and architecture. Creating beautiful structures was his passion. He was so impassioned by his zeal that after constructing the beautiful structures he would get the hands of the best masons, designers and architects chopped off so that they can’t replicate the structure.

He had four sons, all loved the father and religiously followed what the father said. The father trained them well in military warfare to ensure that the large kingdom, that the King had created could be preserved and then expanded further.

As all humans have, and so did the king, also had biases. The King wanted the eldest son to succeed him on the throne after his death, as he was moderate in his approach and respected all cultures that were part of the kingdom.

The third Prince always felt neglected and was aggressive since childhood. The King started sending off the third son on conquest expeditions from an early age, the result of which, he acquired the trust and company of his military generals who were ruthless and fanatic. The eldest on the other hand was brought up in the company of sages and teachers learning art, culture, literature, sociology, administration, beyond weaponry.

One day the king had an argument with the queen and in his rage of anger, he attacked her with a Knife (Khanjar). The queen was taken to the Vaidya (doctor), but due to profuse bleeding, she died. The guilt and grief turned the Young energetic king into a living corpse. His skin got wrinkled, his hair turned white and he lost energy.

With the turn of these unfortunate events, the elder son got worried for the father while the third son saw both opportunity and threat at the same time. His desire to rule the kingdom and expand the kingdom further through his military prowess and threat and concern that the King under the influence of the eldest prince and on account of his grief may hand over the kingdom to the eldest son, whom the king favoured most.

The Third son, along with his trusted generals (who were always part of ruthless expeditions) wasted no time and created a coup in the Kingdom, putting his father behind bars and chopping off the head of his eldest brother and presenting it to his father making sure, that no revolt is put up or emerge ever.

Symbolically he gave a warning to everyone that the betrayal against the new King will be met with the same fate and will result in the same punishment not only for the traitor but for the traitor’s entire family.

Time passed and the old King suffered and sulked in Jail; finally, after six years, the soul left the body for a new journey.

The new King also had four sons. The new king ruled mercilessly, giving atrocities to his subjects, whilst giving good education and warfare tactics to all his four children.

As the four sons grew up, they all constantly fought amongst themselves without the new king being aware of it. Slowly all four developed a hatred for each other. On a fateful night, when the king was away, all of them broke into a fight and three of them died. The fourth one who didn’t care about the father luckily survived.

The New King was shocked and aghast by the sequence of events and he overnight turned pale and aged with ailments attracting him. He lost strength, he became schizophrenic and fearful. He started hallucinating that his elder brother is chasing him to kill.

With a lot of suffering and pain, the soul finally left the body.

Why did the King and the new King Suffer?

The obvious answer to that is the Law of Karma or Law of Deeds ( that govern every single natural thing created by Universe.

But why did the new king become fearful and schizophrenic?

The answer lies in Guilt.

Any wrong deed that one has undertaken, harming, wronging, or abusing someone else leaves an imprint on the doer. The guilt is even more pernicious or ruinous if it is done with no one witnessing the hideous act.

Let’s delve deeper into this concept. The difference between the human body and a dead body is a mere flow of energy. Till such time, the soul exists within the body, the energy exists, and once the soul exits, the energy diminishes from the body.

Whatever one does, whatever one thinks, and whatever one performs, all need energy. Thus this energy needs to be present in all parts of the body for the harmonious functioning of the body. To ensure seamless and equitable distribution of energy through the body, the body has 114 chakras.

Out of these 114, seven main chakras should function in a balanced manner to get the best out of oneself and to deliver the best to the external world and the inner world of self.

However, there are times when these chakras get blocked or slow down due to a particular emotion.

What is Emotion?

Emotion is essentially Energy in Motion.

Sometimes some negative emotions create a blockage and thus the efficiency of the movement of energy or its free flow within the body gets obstructed.

These incidents can happen on account of a past Karmic Event — DNA memory of the past, events witnessed from the womb, or a situation or incident that has yielded negativity, slows down or blocks the chakra.

All of a sudden one acquires a deadly disease like cancer or a heart blockage or a stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia or high anxiety disorder are all the result of improper, irregular or desultory flow or blockage of energy flow within the body.

The three most harmful yet common emotions that create ruckus and remain embedded in the deep subconscious mind are:

1. HurtFeeling of Being Hurt

A feeling that remains within oneself. More often on account of shame, due to circumstances, or due to social pressure, one is never able to express true feelings, such as — how one felt under a conversation or a situation or a comment or statement or from someone else’s action. This then perpetuates and keeps blocking all positive energy into the same black hole of emotion.

2. Guilt

Some adverse words that, shouldn’t have been uttered. An inimical act that harmed someone and with no one apart from self-knowing about it. Guilt is the worst form of fear that clogs and blocks the energy flow, perpetuates the fear of the unknown, the forthcoming catastrophe, the upcoming uncertainty and thus ir-regularizes the energy chakras.

3. Regret

What if I would have said this?

What if I would have done that?

What if the alternate route or path could have been taken, could that have yielded better results?

I wish I would have done things differently.

Life never moves at the same pace. More often when the pace of life is higher, one forgets and fills the vacuum with work, doesn’t matter whether productive or unproductive work, work- leading to constructive output or just done for the sake of it.

When the pauses or barrenness appear then one is hit with emotions of regret again.

These three show immediate effects if the memory gets shifted from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind. That happens on account of a trigger.

Triggers can be real or related. Real triggers are associated with the person or the event. Related are the ones like words or colours that relate to those real people and events that occurred and left a deep imprint, of the person who did wrong, or words or events that were cataclysmic.

What are these Chakras, Where are they situated within the physical body and how will one know which chakra needs attention?

As mentioned above there are seven chakras at work that need to function with placidity to have well-being and equanimity of mind, body & Universe (both outside and within).

The body moves from down to up as one moves from earth to Sky to achieve a higher level of consciousness.

Seven Influencing Chakras in Human body

The first chakra is the most fundamental for any human for one’s basic existence. Thus the 1st chakra and its harmonious functioning are essential for the primary safety and security of a human being. Unfortunately, most humans have issues in their first chakra and they remain entangled in solving the first one for life.

One should also note here, that the first three chakras enable existential well-being and their erratic working can create anxiety, diseases, and ailments of the physical body. Whilst, the rest are related to the mind and to the higher level of consciousness and spirituality.

1. Mooladhara chakra or the Root Chakra

This is located at the base of the spine or in the tailbone area. A blocked root chakra can lead to physical issues like arthritis, constipation, bladder or colon problems, paranoia and a feeling of insecurity about finances or basic needs. Sore lower back and low level of energy are also symptoms of challenges in the Mooladhara Chakra.

Feeling of being dependent on others for most things, lack of stability, and negative thoughts about life emerge when this chakra has challenges.

2. Svadhishthana or Sacral chakra

Its location is 2 inches below the belly button. Blockage at the sacral chakra leads to a poor sexual life and causes dissatisfaction in a relationship. Symptoms of an unbalanced sacral chakra include urinary discomfort, increased allergies and attraction to addictive behaviours.

3. Manipura or the solar plexus Chakra

This is situated in the upper abdomen area, 3 inches above the navel. This chakra is related to Self-esteem, self-confidence. Blockage of this chakra can give shape to obsessive-compulsive behaviour, loss of confidence, and insecurity. Symptoms that suggest this chakra need attention include digestive discomfort and troubles with memory.

4. Anahata or the Heart Chakra

This is located at the centre of the heart, just above the heart organ. Blocked heart Chakra leads to high blood pressure, low immunity, trust issues, jealousy, mercurial mood swings, and challenges with love and compassion.

Bitter relationships, hatred, anger, animosity, doubts, and suspicion all arise with poor energy flow in the heart Chakra. Heart Chakra connects the lower and higher chakras. In other words, it is a connection or bridge between consciousness and Super-consciousness.

5. Vishuddha or the throat Chakra

The situation of this Chakra is Throat. Misalignment of this chakra leads to communication challenges. Gossiping, talking without thinking, stammering, trouble expressing one’s views or thoughts, and difficulty in self-expression is common when one has aberrant Throat Chakra.

Teeth problems, throat issues, and Mouth and gum issues are common when one has issues with Vishuddha.

6. Ajna or the Third Eye Chakra

It is situated between the eyes, on the forehead. It impacts the intellect, institution, wisdom, Spiritual power, concentration, hearing ability etc. People become myopic and can’t understand the bigger picture if issues with Anja exist.

7. Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra

Situated at the top of the Head- the crown chakra connects with all parts of the body or in other words it affects the entire nervous system. Those with a blocked crown chakra may seem narrow-minded, sceptical, or stubborn. They reflect destructive emotions, depression, and constant frustration.

After reckoning the symptoms that one is witnessing, one should focus on releasing the energy blockages or regularizing the energy flow.

Sounds, Vibrations, Music, Healing, Yoga, Exercises, Stretches, and Breathing facilitate. But the first step is to realise the defect and then constant practice ensures, the flow of energy is seamless thus taking one into a dispassionate mode of seamless life experience.

All pains, aches, and irreversible ailments germinate as a compatible flow of energy dwindles. This curtails the cleansing of the deep emotion that constantly hits oneself in one’s zeal to perform Karma. Mindfulness and correct action help.

As Siddhartha Rastogi says, Energy in our body is like Maa Ganga who cleanses every evil, every wicked, every sin, making it pious. It’s good and sometimes transformative to course correct the flow of Ganga within oneself.

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Siddhartha Rastogi
Siddhartha Rastogi

Written by Siddhartha Rastogi

Born to Serve, Born to Help, Born to Assist. Bringing Perspective, Possibilities & Positivity in every life I touch :-)

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