How can one achieve a state of FRICTIONLESS Efficiency in every action? — Karma Nishtha
Why matters related to money brings quick yet transient motivation?
What does it take to be in a state of FRICTIONLESS Efficiency?
What are 3 kinds of unlimited powers one can attain just by focusing & practicing?
Karma Nishtha
Karma — means Action. Karma, a Sanskrit word that means one’s “action”.
One’s action has a cause and effect. In other words, a good deed will lead to a future beneficial effect, while a bad deed will lead to a future harmful effect
Nishtha is a Sanskrit word and a single English word may not do justice with its composition, explanation, and bhavarth.
Nishtha means faith, steadiness, devotion, and the culmination.
1. Humans — Generally regret the Past & Fear the Future.
2. Karma (being steadfast in one’s actions) Nishtha and Dharma Nishtha (being steadfast or devoted to universal laws of nature) teaches us to Learn from the Past & Forget the Past. Also, it coaches the mind to Prepare for the Future and not worry about it.
3. Why do humans have allegiance to Artha (Monetary) Nishtha and Kaam (pleasure, desires) Nishtha?
Instant Personal Gratification is the answer.
Whilst Artha Nishtha and Kaam Nishtha give Instant Personal Gratification, Karma Nishtha and Dharm Nishtha give Noble & Generalized Gratification to everyone in the society, community & country.
4. Humans have no challenges with Kamya Karma (Work with desire), however, challenges are faced when it comes to Nishkaam Karma (doing deeds selflessly without having greed or desire to benefit from its outcome). Tamas (Laziness, inertia, dark thoughts and words, the denseness of ego, anger, grief, ignorance, etc) interferes and diverts the Karma.
5. Rajas (Activity, Work, action, thoughts, movement, motion, velocity) helps in curbing Tamas.
Rajas is not always positive. Rajas also has two types. Bad and Good. Bad can further be classified into six parts.
Asura Rajas, Rakshasa Rajas, Paisacha Rajas, Sarpa Rajas, Praita Rajas, and Shakuna Rajas.
The good one is Daivik Rajas.
6. Daivik Rajas helps in bringing back the focus. One of the ways to accentuate Nishkama Karma is to find your passion and work in that space. Passion erases a lot of negatives not only thoughts but sometimes hindrances as well.
7. Another challenge in discharging Karma Nishtha is the Appeasement of karmendrinyas (five senses), Indriyan bhog (pleasure of five senses). Enjoyment and satiation of senses. Meditation, Awareness, and Yoga can help control Kaam or Bhog in karmendrinyas.
8. EGO or Ahamkara or Arrogance also creates conflict with Karma Nishtha. Having a Bhav and being a Nimit Matra helps.
तस्मात्त्वमुत्तिष्ठ यशो लभस्व
जित्वा शत्रून्भुङ् क्ष्व राज्यं समृद्धम् |
मयैवैते निहता: पूर्वमेव
निमित्तमात्रं भव सव्यसाचिन्
|| Chapter 11, Shlok 33 Bhagavad Gita.
Translation: Therefore, arise and attain honor! Conquer your foes and enjoy prosperous rulership. These warriors stand already slain by me, and you will only be an instrument of my work, O expert archer.
9. Buddhi and Manas — Mind and Intellect — Buddhi should regulate Manas. Again this can be achieved by meditation and being mindful.
10. Dharm Nishtha Enables a feeling of having Saubhagya — Good Luck, being blessed that one is able to help several in the course of duty. One is in the journey of good work serving God by serving fellow beings.
11. धन्य: अस्मि भारतत्वेन! — Saubhagya hai mera ki maine Bharatvarsh mein Janm Liya. (I am blessed to be born in India and India is my motherland)
12. One once attains Rini Bhav (Indebtedness, attitude of Gratitude) for what has been attained achieved by one or what has been bestowed as a boon on one, one forgets winning and losing. One thinks about others giving back.
12. Human can have 3 levels — Neutral, Sub Human (Animal-like), and Diavik (Divine). Practicing Dharam enables one to achieve a higher level. Indriya Nigrah (Control of Indriyan — 5 senses enable one to achieve higher self)
13. Poor Skillset also hinders Karma Nishtha. Thus constant attainment of higher skills, higher knowledge, help in moving towards Karma Nishtha. Practicing Mana Yoga — Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, and Discipline.
14. Shraddha Bhav — Dedication, sincerity Faith. It should be at seven levels for the Organization.
Mission, Vision, Goal, Strategy, System, Process, and Results.
15. Three kinds of Power -
Iccha Shakti (Willpower),
Kriya Shakti (Power of deeds),
Gyan Shakti (Power of knowledge).
16. State of Satogun — Frictionless Efficiency. Consistency, State of Flow. Rajas have a variation — high & low.
17. Manan and Chintan — Examining yourself daily enables one to go beyond.
18. Good Habits — Easy to lose, difficult to acquire,
Bad Habits — Easy to get, difficult to lose.
Satsang helps in this case. If you are in Dushtsang, bring positive change.
19. One can gain respect but can’t order or command INDESPENSIBILITY.
20. Courage — Fearlessness — Abhay, Veer, is an important trait. Courage does not mean reckless. Use Yukti (clever tactic not for self) where possible. Veer is Amar, Veer is Immortal, Veerta with good Judgment is the place to be.
निवर्तयत्यन्यजनं प्रमादतः स्वयं च निष्पापपथे प्रवर्तते ।
गुणाति तत्त्वं हितमिच्छुरंगिनाम् शिवार्थिनां यः स गुरु र्निगद्यते ॥
भावार्थ : जो दूसरों को प्रमाद करने से रोकते हैं, स्वयं निष्पाप रास्ते से चलते हैं, हित और कल्याण की कामना रखनेवाले को तत्त्वबोध करते हैं, उन्हें गुरु कहते हैं ।
The word Guru is derived from two words ‘gu’ and ‘ru’. “Gu means darkness or ignorance and Ru means remover of that darkness”.
Gratitude to our Guru Dharm Pracharak, Bheeshma Pitamah awardee Padma Bhushan, Dr. Mrityunjay Athreya, and my fellow Advisory board members at Sarthak Educational trust for having this Satsang where knowledge could be imparted by our Guru.
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