Dharma in Kalyug
5 places to be avoided if one needs peace & happiness in life.
How to practice morality in Kaliyug?
Where to find Divine Almighty?
1. Four Yugas — Satya Yug or Kritayug, Treta Yug, Dwapar Yug and Kali Yug.
2. Each Yugas last for 432,000 years (1200 divine years). We have completed ~ 5122 years of Kaliyug.
3. Kaliyug began on 18th Feb 3102 BCE and is associated with Demon Kali, when Lord Krishna left for Vaikuntha.
4. Raja Parikshit, the grandson of Ace Archer Arjun was the first king of Kalyug.
(After the Mahabharata war, when Pandavas heard of Lord Krishna’s death, they along with Draupadi, gave up royalty and made their only surviving grandson Parikshit, in charge of the Kingdom and its inhabitants.
King Parikshit was informed of the demon Kali Yuga’s arrival by his grandfathers, so he prepared the Kingdom to face it. When Kali Yuga reached the boundaries of the Kingdom along with his weapons of treachery, lust, greed, and evil, Parikshit decided to stop him.
The King hunted the demon until the latter surrendered and explained to him the rules of Brahma, where Kali was destined to enter the world after three Yugas. Parikshit released Kali Yuga warning him to not destroy mankind before its time to end.
King Parikshit said, “You shall only live in these 5 places and never cross your boundary. People who willingly come to these places would become the victims of the demon Kali Yuga.”
a. Kaliyuga is thus found in five places where Adharma (immorality) exists viz. gambling, drinking of alcohol, prostitution or immoral relationship between man & woman, violence and gold acquired through immoral means.
b. Gambling, drinking of alcohol, prostitution, or immoral relationship between man & woman and violence signify Adharma of untruthfulness, pride, passion, and brutality. )
c. Money earned from immoral means ONLY brings misery.
5. Nine Avatars of Lord Vishnu: Matsya; Kurma; Varaha; Narasimha; Vamana; Parashurama; Rama; Krishna; Buddha.
6. The 10th Avatar of Lord Vishnu will be Kalki.
7. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a Sanskrit phrase found in the Maha Upanishad, which means “the world is one family”.
8. The Industrial revolution originated the concept of Capitalism and soon it led to Imperialism. It is the main reason for Adharma and climate Change.
9. India witnessed Dharma and Practice of Dharma in Kaliyug specifically from 1857 to 1947, where people selflessly sacrificed their lives for the freedom movement.
10. Story of Sri Aurobindo, who in his early days was a vehement opposer of Non-violence and fought for the Independence of India with force became a devout believer of Vedantic Philosophy after reading Upanishads and Bhagwad Gita in Jail.
Sri Aurobindo was born as Aurobindo Ghose on 15 August 1872 was an Indian Guru, Philosopher, and Indian Nationalist. He was also a journalist, editing newspapers like Bande Mataram. He was part of the revolutionary movement in Bengal and was arrested in the aftermath of a number of bombings linked to his organization in a public trial where he faced charges of treason for the Alipore Conspiracy. However, Sri Aurobindo could only be convicted and imprisoned for writing articles against British colonial rule in India. During his stay in the jail, he read Upanishads and Bhagwad Gita and became a spiritual master. Thus in 1926 Aurobindo Ashram was founded.
11. In the current era and century, people sometimes find it difficult to maintain Samanya Dharma (universal or general dharma) and Shreshtra Dharma (The Superior or the best Dharma). Hence it’s the duty of seniors to show Marg Darshan, guidance and handhold people who are struggling through Physical and emotional challenges in Job and in their personal life which have emanated on account of Covid.
(Read https://siddhartharastogi.medium.com/the-purpose-of-human-life-purusharth-f5e909bfa67d for complete understanding)
12. Media is running their shop, their profit center, and their business, hence don’t blame the business and follow practices of Gandhiji. Avoid seeing, listening, and speaking badly, and forwarding bad stuff. Have a positive approach to life and work.
13. Karma and Dharma go hand in hand. Be good and do good to others, so that good happens to you. “To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” holds good for Karma through multiple lives.
14. The origin of Society or community or tribe emanated from the fact that “Some cares for you and can take care of you apart from you taking care of yourself. The same thought needs to be brought back and can revolutionize the world.”
15. The Dharma can be achieved by believing in the Consciousness and that same Consciousness lies in everyone and everyone is part of the same larger Consciousness.
The last Maha Vakya of Upanishads, “Aham Brahma Asmi (I am divine)” sums it all.
16. Three steps to pursue Dharma in Kaliyug
a. Support Dharma and pursue Dharma
b. Give guidance to people about Dharma
c. Oppose Adharma first gently and then vehemently.
d. If one doesn’t concur with Dharma, let him be, One’s Karma will come back to oneself.
Gratitude to our Guru Dharm Pracharak, Bheeshma Pitamah awardee Padma Bhushan, Dr. Mrityunjay Athreya, and my fellow Advisory board members at Sarthak Educational trust for having this Satsang where knowledge could be imparted by our Guru.
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