3 Tacts to Transformation
How can one be the best version of oneself?
How can one attain higher BQ (Bliss Quotient) & EQ, (not emotional quotient or efficiency quotient but Enjoyment Quotient?)
3 things that can transform one’s life?
Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.
Abraham Lincoln.
These words of wisdom came from one of the greatest souls on this planet. These words hold good for opportunities, for relationships as well as for habits.
Ultimately what differentiates between a person who is in a state of persistent happiness or we call it bliss versus someone who is trying, trying hard to do more, to get more, to achieve more and when he or she does more, achieves more, still remains un-satiated, unhappy, and miserable.
This begs the question: How can one attain higher BQ (Bliss Quotient) & EQ — not emotional quotient or efficiency quotient but Enjoyment Quotient.
The answer lies in Habits.
Habits are of two types. Obviously good habits and bad ones. Good Habits, difficult to attain, easy to abandon, and bad habits, easy to attain, difficult to abandon.
Once one attains good habits, the work, the journey, the voyage of life get in a flow, an effortless efficient path in which one performs every task, every duty, every responsibility with a high degree of enjoyment — not momentarily but gains a perpetual state of bliss.
What are some of these habits and can such habits be so transformational?
3 hacks, 3 tricks, 3 talismans — Let’s talk about them.
1. Delegate OR Die
Helicopter managers, micro-managing bosses, obsessive control freaks are a set of common creatures found across various genres of leadership, management, and parenting. The result of such phenomenon is not only the person who is micro-managing suffers but the person who is being micro-managed also suffers. Thereby, killing creativity, assassinating independent thinking, and destroying the decision-making ability of the one being monitored and controlled.
A sampling can never grow under the shadow of a big tree. The person who tries to control every possible action of every person (maybe a team-mate, maybe a family member, maybe a social acquaintance), eventually ends up duplicating the same job with no end benefit. It stifles innovation, productivity, and trust and ruins any possibility of scale and growth.
The fundamental rule one should follow is to coach and train the people and allow them to think freely, allow them to make choices; choices from all available options.
This frees up a lot of time and energy in figuring out possibilities of growth as well as testing new pathways for the forthcoming future.
2. Control what is controllable, let go of what is Uncontrollable –
Every call, every conversation, every meeting; and every text, every post, every effort should result in the next steps.
Any and every endeavor should move towards or materialize into the next steps. When one makes any effort or any attempt, the outcome can be only two — positive or negative. If negative, one should learn from it and try to improvise the path, the direction, or execution. If positive, one should move with the next steps and execute. The important thing here is to let go of failure or a negative outcome.
Words — People’s words, drain a lot of productive energy, enthusiasm, and motivation. If one sees others’ words as constructive, then one should utilize them to build good for themselves, else one should just move on.
Worries, challenges, problems which are unsolvable, and where one can’t take any finite action, one should let go. The sooner one starts practicing the act of letting go, the sooner, one’s efficiency, productivity, BQ & EQ will rise (It’s easier said, than done, hence practice and self-talk is the only option).
3. 99/1 Principle — Paying for Peace -
Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto founded the concept of the Pareto 80/20 Rule, and Pareto Principle can be used in every sphere of life, determining what is important, versus what needs to be ignored.
99/1 Principle simply states, that in life 1% leakage or 1% pilferage or 1% wastage; whatever terminology one chooses will always exist whether in the monetary matter, whether in one’s effort, whether in ownership of things, whether in one’s relationships.
Ignore them, forget about them, and let them go. 1% is the price that one needs to pay, one has to pay and one should pay to buy peace. Peace is the most important phenomenon, but for some anomaly, for some rarity, for some luxury. This is a small price that one can pay to get in a state of bliss and flow whether it pertains to one’s work, one’s career, or one’s life.
P.S — 99/1 Principle was figured out, propounded, and understood by me through years of my experience and works beautifully in streamlining, life, work, profession, and even desires.